
by 北京豆网科技有限公司



Interesting and diverse cultural life community

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豆瓣,一个有趣多元的文化生活社区。在这里,从书影音出发,认知世界、体悟生活、充实心灵,塑造成更丰富的自我。在这里,世界更开阔,自我也被妥帖安放,自在生长。丰富庞大的书影音资料库,能让你快速找到喜欢的电影、剧集、图书和音乐。你可以浏览评分、评论,查看真实可信的观众和读者反馈,获得有效的参考;也可以通过豆瓣榜单、片单、书单进行探索和延伸,刻画更系统的兴趣脉络。同时,你的标记和评论将成为珍贵的文化足迹,收纳在你的精神生活档案。无论普世审美还是小众偏好,都能在豆瓣遇见同类、收获共鸣。小组拥有难以置信的活力,帮助你与兴趣相投的人找到彼此,汇聚“遥远的相似性”。在这里,你将不断发现有趣的最新小组和时下热组,从当下、真实的生活日常,到多元、硬核的文化爱好,你将遇见与你一样特别的人。通过交流和讨论,一起抱团取暖传递关怀和善意,一起探索思考并拥抱新鲜事物,一起感受陪伴、互助、同行的力量。“我”是专属于你的空间。和生活在豆瓣的其他人一样,介绍自己时,你可以放大“关于我”的一切细枝末节,而不用担心陌生人没有耐心了解。暂时不谈相貌、年龄、职业,豆友们在豆瓣谈论的是自己喜欢的作家导演、坚持做的小事、最近的小发现、对社会事件的观点……你甚至可以通过成立一个小组或发起一个话题,将自己的独特放大到豆瓣的公共空间,影响和塑造彼此在豆瓣的生活。“市集”将供你选购更多实体商品。豆瓣自营电商品牌“豆瓣豆品”,主打豆瓣生活美学物品,让热爱生活、追求人文内涵的你尽享高品质购物乐趣。豆瓣内容付费产品“豆瓣时间”为你甄选在线课程,伴你收获知识与成长。另外,你还可以逛“豆瓣书店”选购精品纸书,于活字森林里采撷书香。Douban, an interesting and diverse cultural life community. Here, starting from books, movies, and music, we can learn about the world, realize life, enrich our hearts, and create a richer self. Here, the world is more open, and the self is properly placed and grows freely.A rich and huge library of books, audio and video, allows you to quickly find your favorite movies, episodes, books and music. You can browse ratings and comments, check true and credible feedback from audiences and readers, and get effective references; you can also explore and extend through Douban lists, film lists, and book lists to portray a more systematic interest. At the same time, your marks and comments will become precious cultural footprints, stored in your spiritual life archives. Regardless of universal aesthetics or niche preferences, you can meet the same kind and resonate with Douban.The group is incredibly dynamic, helping you and people with similar interests find each other and bring together "distant similarities." Here, you will continue to discover interesting new groups and current hot groups, from the current, real life daily to diverse, hard-core cultural hobbies, you will meet people who are as special as you. Through exchanges and discussions, we can share care and kindness together, explore and think together and embrace new things, and feel the power of companionship, mutual assistance and peer together."I" is the space dedicated to you. Like other people living on Douban, when introducing yourself, you can zoom in on all the details of "about me" without worrying that strangers will not have the patience to understand. Let’s not talk about appearance, age, and occupation for the time being. On Douban, the bean friends talk about their favorite writers and directors, small things they insist on doing, recent small discoveries, opinions on social events... You can even set up a group or initiate a Topic, magnify ones own uniqueness to Doubans public space, influence and shape each others lives on Douban."Bazaar" will allow you to buy more physical goods. Doubans self-operated e-commerce brand "Douban Doupin" focuses on Douban life aesthetics, allowing you who love life and pursue humanistic connotations to enjoy high-quality shopping. Douban Contents paid product "Douban Time" selects online courses for you to help you gain knowledge and growth. In addition, you can also visit the "Douban Bookstore" to buy fine paper books and pick up the fragrance of books in the movable type forest.体验优化与问题修复